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The Farmers Wife Distillery - Autumn Dry Gin / 700mL

The Farmers Wife Distillery Autumn Dry Gin / 700mL

Thirteen botanicals including native sage, myrtles, pepperberry and The Farmer's Wife Distillery signature native sugarbag honey bestow their magic upon this gin.

On the nose you are greeted with the distinct aroma of juniper softened by the sweet scent of pink grapefruit and a lingering hint of honey.

When sipped the distinct punchy juniper notes are first and are layered with citrus from the lemon myrtle, zesty kaffir lime and grapefruit.

This is quickly followed by a savoury warmth (not heat) to the palate from the cardamom, pepper berry & native sage.

The Angelica, orris root and liquorice provide an earthy balanced undertone but it is that gorgeous grapefruit and honey that lingers on the palate and leaves you with the feeling and colours of autum

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Product Details
Autumn Dry Gin / 700mL

Gin Heaven is a business of Belleve Hill Bottle Shop - License #LIQP700350261 - Bellevue Hill Liquor Group Pty Ltd ABN 32 131 212 970 - we practice & support responsible service of alcohol.
NSW Liquor Act 1982: It is an office to sell or supply or to obtain liquor on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years old.

All prices are in AUD (Australian Dollars) including GST